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Fernstudium IOA: ADHD Awareness

Fernstudium IOA: ADHD Awareness

Weiterempfehlung: 0 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 10 (0,00%)Loading... 386 Views
Studenten (Stand 2020): 390.000
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
North Royal Training Limited
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com

Bewertungen International Open Academy

Bewertungen International Open Academy



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                      • Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
                      • Studienstart: jederzeit
                      • Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
                      • Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
                      • Teststudium: 2 Wochen
                      • Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
                      • Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
                      • Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
                      • Präsenzpflichten: nein
                      • Spezialisierungen: nein
                      • Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
                      • Online-Tutorien: ja
                      • Learning-App: nein
                      • Fremdsprachen: ja
                      • Unterrichtssprache: englisch
                      • Akkreditierungen: Icoes
                      • Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
                      • Social Activities: nein
                      • Kosten: siehe Studiengang

                      Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.Are you the parent, teacher or carer of a child who:

                      fidgets a lot?
                      always loses things?
                      is constantly on the go?
                      cannot pay attention?
                      forgets things constantly?

                      It’s frustrating but it may be a sign a child has ADHD. The important thing is to recognize the signals so you can get help straight away.
                      After all, you’re not alone. About 11% of children aged 4-17 years (that’s 6.4 million youngsters) have been diagnosed with ADHD in the US.
                      Our expert, Dr. Dawn Ferrara, has worked with children and adults with ADHD for over 20 years. Her acute understanding of this complex subject allows her to break down the information into an easily understood course.
                      As doctors better understand ADHD, the rates of diagnosis have increased. It’s important that parents, teachers, and carers also learn about ADHD – and how to handle what can be a difficult diagnosis.
                      Through our course you will learn what ADHD is and different ways to live with it. Once you recognize why a child behaves in a certain way, you can understand them better and help them thrive.

                      Fakten zum Fernkurs ADHD Awareness der International Open Academy

                      Abschluss Zertifikat
                      Studiendauer 60 Tage
                      Studienzeitverlängerung durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar
                      Testphase 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen
                      Studienstart jederzeit möglich
                      Sprache englisch
                      Studienzulassung keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich
                      Kosten auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos
                      Anrechnung von Vorleistungen nicht relevant
                      Prüfungen Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten

                      Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich.


                      With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.With more than one in 10 children in the USA living with ADHD, there’s every chance you’re going to come across a person with this disorder in your family, at work or among your children’s friends.
                      You can gain experience and knowledge to have a better understanding of what they’re going through. You can also learn how to build a stress-free environment in which everybody can benefit.
                      Working through the course, you will discover:

                      signs to look out for to get immediate help

                      where and how to get treatment for ADHD

                      the causes of ADHD

                      ways to help children with ADHD learn in the classroom to prevent disruption

                      nurturing children’s gifts to watch them thrive

                      how to promote family unity through ADHD education

                      how students with ADHD learn differently and how to keep them interested

                      how ADHD affects relationships – and how to prevent tension buiding up

                      different ways to set your child with ADHD up for lifelong success

                      special skills of children with ADHD and how to nurture their talents

                      After completing the course you will have a new perspective on ADHD and a greater understanding of living, working and interacting with people who have ADHD.


                      Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.

                      Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?

                      This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!This course will benefit everyone from parents and family members, to those who work with or come into contact with children and teenagers with ADHD, either professionally or as a volunteer.
                      You may know children diagnosed with ADHD and this will help you empathize with their behavior so you can work with them without frustration, tears or tantrums.
                      If you work with children as a teacher, teaching assistant, classroom volunteer, carer, this course will help you spot the signs that a child may have ADHD and start the ball rolling to get the right help for them. You can also help other children learn about ADHD, whether it’s in the classroom or in their club.
                      Our easy-to-use online modules mean you can work from anywhere, at your own pace, to learn how you can help children with ADHD.
                      If you interact with children, this course will benefit you!


                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive

                      Once you’ve completed the accredited course you are better equipped to work or volunteer with children in many capacities.
                      This course could help you:

                      work with children in schools or daycares as a teaching or classroom assistant

                      become a nanny, childminder or babysitter

                      volunteer with children’s charities or playgroups

                      assist other parents of children with ADHD

                      help your own children thrive


                      Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.

                      Fakten und Bewertungen zur IOA

                      Neben den Studiengangsbewertungen können Sie auch die Bewertungen zur International Open Academy selbst abrufen.
                      Alle Fernkurse und Zertifikatskurse der IOA finden Sie in dieser Ãœbersicht.

                      Direkter Link zum Zertifikatskurs

                      Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs ADHD Awareness können Sie hier abrufen¹.

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