Fernstudium IOA: TV Presenter
Weiterempfehlung: | 479 Views |
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com
Bewertungen International Open Academy
- Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
- Studienstart: jederzeit
- Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
- Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
- Teststudium: 2 Wochen
- Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
- Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
- Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
- Präsenzpflichten: nein
- Spezialisierungen: nein
- Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
- Online-Tutorien: ja
- Learning-App: nein
- Fremdsprachen: ja
- Unterrichtssprache: englisch
- Akkreditierungen: Icoes
- Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
- Social Activities: nein
- Kosten: siehe Studiengang

Being a presenter means working at the front line of television. While it can be all-consuming and often challenging, it’s a job that can also be exciting, enthralling and deeply satisfying.
Your job could involve introducing or hosting a show, reporting on special events, reading the news, interacting with live audiences or interviewing folk from all walks of life.
However, TV presenting can be a tough business to break into and that’s why it’s important to get the inside track on what it takes to become the next David Letterman or Ryan Seacrest.
Learning how to bring something special to a show by focusing on your strengths and building your own personal brand, is also essential in your approach to becoming a standout TV presenter.
That’s why this course lays down the foundation that you need to become part of this thrilling world while imparting essential tricks and tips of the trade.
Being a presenter means working at the front line of television. While it can be all-consuming and often challenging, it’s a job that can also be exciting, enthralling and deeply satisfying.
Your job could involve introducing or hosting a show, reporting on special events, reading the news, interacting with live audiences or interviewing folk from all walks of life.
However, TV presenting can be a tough business to break into and that’s why it’s important to get the inside track on what it takes to become the next David Letterman or Ryan Seacrest.
Learning how to bring something special to a show by focusing on your strengths and building your own personal brand, is also essential in your approach to becoming a standout TV presenter.
That’s why this course lays down the foundation that you need to become part of this thrilling world while imparting essential tricks and tips of the trade.
Fakten zum Fernkurs TV Presenter der International Open Academy
Abschluss | Zertifikat |
Studiendauer | 60 Tage |
Studienzeitverlängerung | durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar |
Testphase | 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen |
Studienstart | jederzeit möglich |
Sprache | englisch |
Studienzulassung | keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich |
Kosten | auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos |
Anrechnung von Vorleistungen | nicht relevant |
Prüfungen | Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten |
Kampagnen | Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich. |
In doing this course, you will learn:
The basics of broadcasting
The team behind the scenes
The most important skills you need to possess
What producers and agents are really looking for in a TV presenter
How to stand out from the crowd
Understanding your own special ‘brand‘
You’ll be introduced to:
Different camera presentations from handheld to multi-camera
What it means to ‘talk to camera‘, ‘talk to time‘ and how to do both effectively
Autocue techniques
Using an earpiece with ‘open talkback‘
How to ad-lib effectively
Researching, scripting and conducting great on-air interviews
Pre-records and live broadcasts
In doing this course, you will learn:
The basics of broadcasting
The team behind the scenes
The most important skills you need to possess
What producers and agents are really looking for in a TV presenter
How to stand out from the crowd
Understanding your own special ‘brand‘
You’ll be introduced to:
Different camera presentations from handheld to multi-camera
What it means to ‘talk to camera‘, ‘talk to time‘ and how to do both effectively
Autocue techniques
Using an earpiece with ‘open talkback‘
How to ad-lib effectively
Researching, scripting and conducting great on-air interviews
Pre-records and live broadcasts
Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.
Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?
Have you ever watched a popular presenter hosting a TV program and thought, „How do I get to do that?“ If you have, then this is the course for you!
Whether your interest is in hard news, current affairs, human interest, entertainment, culture, travel or sports presenting, there are very few jobs where you can indulge your passions while reaching out to millions of people at the same time.Have you ever watched a popular presenter hosting a TV program and thought, „How do I get to do that?“ If you have, then this is the course for you!
Whether your interest is in hard news, current affairs, human interest, entertainment, culture, travel or sports presenting, there are very few jobs where you can indulge your passions while reaching out to millions of people at the same time.
After completing this course, you could:
Explore the interesting and exciting television industry
Become a more polished and self-assured presenter
Expand your skills as a MC and presenter of live events
Gain a better understanding of your personal brand, and how to grow it
After completing this course, you could:
Explore the interesting and exciting television industry
Become a more polished and self-assured presenter
Expand your skills as a MC and presenter of live events
Gain a better understanding of your personal brand, and how to grow it
Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.
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Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs TV Presenter können Sie hier abrufen¹.
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