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Dezember 2018

Lecturio: iOS Grand Central Dispatch

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink The course ‘Grand Central Dispatch’ will give you an overview of Synchronization & NSOperation, of NSOperationQueue and of course of Grand Central Dispatch fundamentals. You will not just learn the theory but also experience demos to make this learning experience even more vivid.   Fakten zum Fernkurs/Videokurs iOS Grand Central Dispatch von Lecturio […]

Lecturio: iOS Concepts

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course starts off by giving you a broad introduction about the basic concepts of iOS for the iPad. You will look into C Structures, blocks and even simple threading. By the end of this entire series, you will know how to program apps specifically for iPads. Furthermore, you will understand Objective C […]

Lecturio: Finishing the PhoneGap-App

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This video course is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. In this last chapter of the course collection, you will test your application by using App Lab. As a next step ypu will have a look at some App Debugging features that Intel offers. As a wrap-up to this series you will […]

Lecturio: AppMobi-API

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This video course is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. This course will teach you more about AppMobi, looking at GeoLocation, camera, accelerometer and contacts. Now you will have a look on what the differences are from Intel XDK to PhoneGap. You will also build a single application that will use these […]

Lecturio: Integration of Intel-XDK in PhoneGap

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course video is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. In this course we will get into Intel XDK, which is a cross platform HTML 5 development framework. You will learn how to install it as a Chrome extension. In addition to that you will look into App Starter, which is a […]

Lecturio: File & Storage in PhoneGap

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course video is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. This course will be the most extensive one from this series. It looks at file and storage using PhoneGap. You will learn how to type or create an app where you use the URL of a file and you will be able […]

Lecturio: PhoneGap’s Camera Capture & Contacts

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course video is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. In this course you will learn about camera, capture and contacts which are three of the PhoneGap APIs. The camera API is used to take a picture or use an existing one and incorporate it in our app. With the capture API […]

Lecturio: Location-Features for PhoneGap

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course video is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. In the course ‘Location-Features’ you will look at the accelerometer that is mainly used for game development. Futhermore, you will be introduced to GeoLocation which determines a user’s location and you will also learn how to paste that on a map using […]

Lecturio: PhoneGap

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This course video is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. It addresses the framework to develop, set up and activate your Mobile App, mainly focusing on Android development. You will learn how to build your first app and how to install it on your actual device, using Android SDK and Eclipse.   […]

Lecturio: Mobile Internet

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink This video course is part of the online course collection PhoneGap. The course ‘Intro to Mobile Internet’ consists of the lectures ‘Intro’, ‘The mobile Web and Apps’ and ‘Mobile HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery’. This course will give you an introduction on how to develop Mobile Apps for multiple platforms by discussing the mobile […]