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Suchergebnisse für Marketing

458 Ergebnisse für: "Marketing"

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Fernstudium IU: Social Media (B.A.)

Fernstudium IU: Social Media (B.A.)

Die Basis dieses Fernstudiums bilden Kenntnisse des Online-Marketings und des Mediendesigns. Social Media ist unverkennbar mit den Disziplinen Content Marketing, Advertisement, Commerce, Storytelling und Influencer Marketing verbunden, wobei diese Kenntnisse um Medienrecht, Kommunikationspsychologie, agiles Projektmanagement und Betriebswirtschaftslehre ergänzt werden. » Studiengänge und Hochschulinfos Studiengang:
5/5 (1)
3.36/5 (11)
11 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 10 (54,55%)Loading...
Abschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Credit Points 180 ECTS
Studiendauer wahlweise 36, 48 oder 72 Monate
Kosten (ca.)

11.700 – 15.900 €*


1.444 € Rabatt + gratis iPad + 1.444 € Cashback, bis zum 30.05.2024. » Code¹
¹Code in neuem Tab. Werbelink

Benefits Online-Prüfungen gratis iPad TOP-Anbieter
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Fernstudium IOA: Coding for Beginners

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     What in the world is coding all about? The terms coding and programming are thrown about quite frequently in the computer world, but most people don’t really understand what the words mean. In fact, most are coding and programming illiterates and even the ones that can offer up a believable definition, […]

Fernkurs edX®: Strategic Brand Management

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink In this course, part of the Marketing in a Digital World MicroMasters program, you will learn how to apply the concepts of advertising and marketing to branding. We will examine topics and various strategies related to building, measuring, and managing a brand, including direct and indirect measures of brand equity, structures of desired […]

Fernstudium IOA: Edible Gifts

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     If you love being creative, enjoy cooking and always struggle to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family for birthdays or holidays then this course in how to make edible gifts is for you! Making edible gifts allows you the opportunity to create beautiful, unique gifts at a fraction […]

Fernstudium IOA: Event & Hospitality Management

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Event management a thriving industry The event management business is booming. We are in a new era where the marketing industry has grown and widened to an unprecedented level and event management is a thriving part of this sector. Well planned and stylized events are no longer confined to the business […]

Fernkurs edX®: Strategic Brand Management

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink In this course, part of the Marketing in a Digital World MicroMasters program, you will learn how to apply the concepts of advertising and marketing to branding. We will examine topics and various strategies related to building, measuring, and managing a brand, including direct and indirect measures of brand equity, structures of desired […]

Fernkurs edX®: Online Advertising & Social Media

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink Building an online brand and outreach strategy is paramount to any social media planning and strategy. The vast amount of data, customer insights, platforms and networks are re-imagined each day, demanding the marketer to be a savvy predictor. This course will prepare you for a comprehensive approach to online advertising, detailing various analysis […]

Fernstudium IU: Projektmanagement (B.A.)

Fernstudium IU: Projektmanagement (B.A.)

Das Fernstudium Projektmanagement Bachelor der IU bereitet angehende Wirtschaftswissenschaftler:innen auf die Einzelheiten des Projektmanagements vor. Darunter insbesondere die Methoden klassischer Vorgehensweise sowie des Agilen Projektmanagements und des Design Thinkings. » Studiengänge und Hochschulinfos Studiengang:

3.36/5 (11)
11 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 10 (54,55%)Loading...
Abschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Credit Points 180 ECTS
Studiendauer wahlweise 36, 48 oder 72 Monate
Kosten (ca.)

11.700 – 15.900 €*


1.444 € Rabatt + gratis iPad + 1.444 € Cashback, bis zum 30.05.2024. » Code¹
¹Code in neuem Tab. Werbelink

Benefits Online-Prüfungen gratis iPad TOP-Anbieter
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Fernstudium IOA: Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Gone are the days where only the fashion insiders and those with the most enviable lifestyles form the blogging elite. Blogging is huge. What’s more (and in our opinion, better), the blogging community to so inclusive – there’s room for everyone. If you’ve always wanted to start a fashion or lifestyle […]

Fernstudium IU: Produktmanagement (B.A.)

Fernstudium IU: Produktmanagement (B.A.)

Das Produktmanagement befasst sich mit der Bewertung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen durch vorherige Analysen und überführt diese, sofern es einen Markt, also eine Nachfrage nach ihnen gibt, innerhalb des Projektmanagements in den Erstellungsprozess über. » Studiengänge und Hochschulinfos Studiengang:

3.36/5 (11)
11 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 1011 votes, average: 5,45 out of 10 (54,55%)Loading...
Abschluss Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Credit Points 180 ECTS
Studiendauer wahlweise 36, 48 oder 72 Monate
Kosten (ca.)

11.700 – 15.900 €*


1.444 € Rabatt + gratis iPad + 1.444 € Cashback, bis zum 30.05.2024. » Code¹
¹Code in neuem Tab. Werbelink

Benefits Online-Prüfungen gratis iPad TOP-Anbieter
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